Saturday, 26 July 2014

ooops some processes I wrote went a little wrong... let me explain

you may remember i wrote some algorithms a few months ago to automate all my posting called P.A.S
 P.A.S was designed to interlink different websites and other information together, for example if I update my facebook status it will post to my blog and Visa verse. so in this algorithm I call P.A.S there are lots of different scripts (like the one I mentioned above) that run to do different things.. so here's what went wrong... I had posted a link to my campaign for disability rights at the pleasure beach to twitter, P.A.S had picked up on this and posted it to my blog which posted it to my facebook. the issue was that the scripts kept repeating, so when it posted it to facebook it would post it to my blog which would cause it to post it back to twitter and facebook, which would post it back to my blog and because the scripts saw each post as a new post this happened again and again and again. in an infinite loop. Like a digital pass the parcel that looped. but you will be pleased to know that i have exited a script to stop this error temporarily, and although this will require further investigation later the issue is temporarily fixed.

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